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FI Insights

Tools for Tracking Global Woodchip Exports, Shipping and Imports

October 07, 2020
Author: Tim Woods

Through IndustryEdge’s innovative online platform, Wood Market Edge, woodchip exporters, pulp producers, traders, port authorities and others are able to track the increasingly complex global woodchip trade. Using a mix of trade data, automated vessel tracking, port ‘watching’ and ongoing field research, Wood Market Edge online allows subscribers to understand what is happening in the global trade today and to predict what will occur in coming months.

The group of datasets available on the Wood Market Edge online platform delivers intelligence that is literally months ahead of the formal release of trade data because in almost real-time, it links vessel movements at the ‘port-to-port’ level.

Subscribers can toggle easily from the visualization to find the specific data they need, and all of the charts/graphics as well as the data can be downloaded.


Recently, when Australian hardwood chip exporters were successful in having their formal trade data for shipments to Japan ‘redacted’ by the formal government trade reporting system, unlike everyone else, Wood Market Edge clients did not miss a beat. Subscribers simply logged in, checked vessel movements and analyzed the port-to-port movements to understand the latest developments in trade. All of the visualizations are dynamic so online subscribers simply move their mouse to highlight their areas of interest, which brings up information boxes containing the underlying data.


Local markets are tough enough right now, but global markets are even tougher—far more volatile and prone to change than at almost any time in modern history. Now is the time to ensure you and your team have the data and analytical power that delivers real business insights.

Wood Market Edge online includes trade analysis for woodchips, logs, sawn wood and panels. This is a unique analytical tool for examining the global woodchip trade, Australian production, sales and trade analysis for sawn wood products, and a wide and growing number of downloadable raw data files and easy to use desktop analysis tools.

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